So, a while ago I get a call from my friend Rick Dore, that he is putting together the cars to be in James Hetfield’s display at this big metal rock concert a la palooza thing they are having in Atlantic City, New Jersey. “Are you and the Roswell Rod available?”, “You betcha we are!”. It’s funny how things work out ’cause the Roswell Rod was fresh off a show tour with Championship Auto Shows and sitting in their warehouse in Detroit. I had to go pick it up anyway, and Detroit is kinda on the way to Atlantic City. Seeing as how I am gonna be so close to Long Island I might as well stop in and do some visiting. So Carrol and I pack our stuff and about 10 days or so before the Metallica show we head off to visit with Bob Larivee and pick up the Roswell Rod. Bob’s a great guy and is the head honch at Championship Auto Shows. They put on a bunch of the indoor winter car shows that you have probably been to. Maybe next year they will take the “Baja Bandeeto” on tour, who knows! After I get all loaded and mess with a trailer brake problem that poped up on the road, we are off for long island. One of the fun places we like to stop is at “Skyline Chili” in Ohio. You Ohio guys know what I’m talking about. I get mine on spaghetti 5 ways! I usually go to visit with my folks for Thanksgiving but seeing as how it is Summer and I get to visit I brought my Harley Electra Glide with me so I could bust around in style, while seeing friends and such. The fist thing we did was stop at a diner and get a cheeseburger deluxe.
It is a New York thing I guess, there really aren’t diners any place else like there are in New York. In part 2 we’ll check out James Hetfields hand picked car show in Atlantic City! Fritz

Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a