
Pre-order now! Build A Fiberglass Body At Home 2 DVD Set!

Exciting news at Spritz By Fritz! We have been busy getting our new DVD out:

“Build A Fiberglass Body At Home”

It’s a two DVD set of almost four hours for only $25!

It is out at the printer now, and since so many of you have asked for it, and have been waiting patiently, we are now taking pre orders and offering free shipping in the US until the end of March when we expect delivery to us.

Email us find out how to pre order Spritzbyfritz@aol.com or visit our store here.

I take you step by step as he builds his own creation from nothing and you can too! No expensive tools or big fancy shop, just me working away in my two car garage at home. Learn how to make your own one of kind professional quality show car body. There wont be another one anywhere like it. I start with a handbuilt chassis made from junk parts and box steel and use a motor & parts from the junkyard. You will see it all come together from a plaster buck, laying down fiberglass, attaching the body to the frame, even making a ring for the bubble, my signature feature taken from the days when show cars were “show” cars. You will be amazed what you can do. With a few simple ingredients you can create a masterpiece. As always, I show how anyone can do this, at home, with a lot of hard work, and with this DVD a lot of know how.


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