Well Gang I spent a lot of time shifting and moving body panels, then re shimming and moving them around again and again till I got the body lines on the passenger side of Bill’s car as close as I could get them but where the front fender would meet the rocker panel was just giving me a headache. After so many years, so many miles, and so many other people doing body work on the car long before I got there, sometimes you just gotta do what you have to do, to “Make it happen” I made a small template on an old frozen pizza box and cut a piece of 1/8th plate steel to the same contour as the rocker and welded it onto the end of the rocker panel. after a little clean up with a 3 inch roloc disc it looks pretty dang nice I think! I took a bit of time and fixed the rust and rot on the head light bucket. I had an extra from a junk yard fender I bought for the car so it became a donor to fix the bucket that came off Bill’s car. Another little something I did was spent entirely to much time trying to get the head light door / bezel shimmed so it wasn’t sitting right ontop of the fender, I don’t want to do all the body work and painting on this car and install the head light bezel and have it “smoosh” or “mushroom” the paint, so I put the bezel on & took it off more times then I care to count and shimmed it also. there are two small thin washers welded to the top two mounting tabs and a small piece of 1/16th plate steel behind the lower tab, But It sits just right! a little added extra attention makes all the difference in the world between a real nice job and a shit box. “Get out in the garage and build something” FRITZ

Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a