I aint easy being me, or green from what I hear on the street. sesame street that is, I had surgery for of all things a herniated belly button, post op this required me to not lift anything of 20 pounds or more, so I was pretty much dead in the water with nothing to do but paint slobbering monsters and such while the “real work” pilled up. so I had to be out of the shop some how for six weeks, My big brutha from another mother Poncho Bill (Im working on his 1957 Pontiac) bought my wife and I a cruise ship ride to Bermuda. so Bill & his lady friend my wife and I sipped boat drinks and ate at the late night Buffett for a week, I had 2 weeks of slobbering monster painting right out of surgery then we drove to NYC and left for the week to Bermuda then once back a week of visiting friends and remembering why we left Long Island (its a shit hole i don’t care what you say) then the drive back, I am overwhelmed and swamped with things that need to get done so it will be a while till i get my ass back in gear, a Big Thanks to brutha Bill, I really needed to be “un plugged’ from the world for a while, sometimes you don’t know how much you need it until you do it. time to get back in the garage and build something —-FRITZ

Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a