FEBRUARY FIRE SALE!!!!!!!! So its as cold as a squirrels nuts outside and yer not ridding that chopper, how about gettin’ a nice flame job while yer bike sits and waits for warmer weather! I’ll do yer gas tank with a wicked cool Traditional yellow & orange Flame job on black “with” pinstripes in your choice of color for $600 bucks plus the ride, thats body work and everything (so long as yer tank isn’t a complete bag of rocks) you make sure the inside is clean and doesn’t leak. I’m only gonna take in a few jobs SO DONT BE A SLACKER! – e-mail at Spritzbyfritz@aol.com (((ok to clear things up a bit thats $600 for a tank, like a sporty tank, honda nighthawk tank, a set of fat bobs aka split tanks should be double but i’ll work with ya $850 for a set of fatties))) if you want fenders and stuff done also e-mail me and we’ll figure something out get your ass in gear ’cause I am booking up FAST!!!!!!!! ——FRITZ——

Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a