So, I finally got my dad’s tin all done. It looks pretty keen, all blue flake with the slime green stripe around the flame job. Been doing lots but just haven’t had the time to blog about it. I just finished filming my new DVD “Lace & True Motorcyle Wheels”, we still have to edit it and get it ready to be burned, look for it in about 2 months! The “Baja Bandeeto” is back in my garage and as soon as I get home from work on Monday (thats tomorrow gang), I’ll be back at work on it and blogging my exploits! Its been tough getting all caught up after cutting my arm to the bone. There was the 6 months or so of being out of work, some therapy, and then trying to catch up on all the back log of things I needed to do, and little jobs to finish. I hope i am back on the rack finally. Thanks for sticking with me! I do appreciate it. I am back out in the garage and I am building something. What’s your excuse? Fritz Greaser Mike sitting in the “Baja Bandeeto” when he visited me last week.
Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a