OK, so as I have said while at the recycling yard one day selling my scrap steel I found this dented up sportster gas tank sitting on a pile of junk, so i tossed it in the back of my truck, Ya know, it might come in handy one day. I cut the bottom out of it and split it down the middle. I wanted to narrow it up a bit to go with the flow of the bike. After i got the two sides tack welded together I made up a new tunnel out of #16 gauge steel. I bent it around a piece of pipe fit it into the tank cavity and marked it off with a sharpie then cut it to size. I had a pro works bung & cap on hand so I’m using them, I made up a vent tube out of a piece of brake line I had laying around the garage. this is a s far as I have gotten. Im doing this in my spare time between Bill’s Pontiac and a model A ford I took in this winter. what are you guys doing? get out in the garage and build something!!!!! FRITZ

Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a