I have a friend Dave who also has an Ed “Big Daddy” Roth VW trike like I have. But, somewhere along it’s long life, some one butchered the seat on it, and glassed in a fiberglass dune buggy style seat ????? What the hell man? (My Ed Roth Vitamin E style VW trike.) So Dave, knowing I am the worlds biggest Roth fan, asked me to make a quickie mold off my trike body, so he could undo the ugly terror that had been done to his. I like to think I did it the way Roth would have. I painted the area I would be working on with latex house paint, three coats. After it was dry, I gave it a real good slathering of paste wax. Then I just layed up three layers of fiberglass matt on top of it all. It was a bit of a bitch to start pulling it off, but once it got going, it really did just “pop” right off! (The area in question, the baby blue is the house paint I put on as a mold release.) (This is the piece I popped off of my trike for Dave. Down and dirty and done!) This is all I really got done over the last week. I have been finishing up some doo dads on the “Baja Bandeeto”, and am waiting on a brake fluid reservoir to come in so I can finish making and fitting a few things. Then I can disassemble the rolling chassis for paint and chrome. After that I will focus on the body. What have you guys been building? Let’s see it! Get out there in the garage and build something! Fritz
Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a