Thats right Finally after a long wait, including the time it took for my arm to heal, I have in my hot little grabbers the New DVD “Chop a Model A top at home”. It’s a 2 disc set, of a tad over 4 hours of cutting & grinding action! Dig that crazy disc art man! For you guy’s that pre ordered this DVD it will be in the mail this week, so sit by the mail box with a club and wait for the mail man. If he aint got it, work him over ’cause he probably swiped your copy. If you are a lazy sod and didn’t get yer’s yet, go to my web site and scope things out.
Get out in that garage and build something.
(unless you are watching this DVD that is)
Indian Larry Tribute Chopper Episode 1, Part 2
Follow Fritz as he builds a chopped Indian chief tribute to his friend “Indian Larry” – the first few episodes are spent scratch building a